On Demand Webinar
The Art of Possible: What a Singular TRMS
Platform Can Offer You
Original Air Date: May 25th 2023
Recent events have shown that economic complexity and volatility will continue to grow, along with demands from boards for greater risk control. The financial needs of business often necessitate spreading cash across many accounts, banks, entities, and countries, leading to insecurity when needing to quickly locate and manage that cash. In today’s economy, managing treasury with only an ERP, bank portal, and spreadsheets isn’t enough to stay agile.
Digital treasury automation has solved this problem in theory, but having many different solutions for each pain point can lead to a costly, disparate system. Does your business have the tools it needs to manage cash, payments, and risk at the same speed as the ever-changing market?
Sign up to access our latest webinar, Art of the Possible: What a Singular TRMS Platform Can Offer You. Our experts, German Karaivanov, Jerry Magee, and Farah Lotia, shared their thoughts on how a singular TRMS platform can make your management of cash, payments, and risk more dynamic, flexible, and nimble to prepare your business for the future. They walk through the many use cases and benefits for a single TRMS and demonstrate cash, payment, and risk workflows using our latest dashboard.
Featured Speakers:
German Karaivanov
VP, Product
Jerry Magee
Pre-Sales Consultant
Farah Lotia
VP, Risk and Quantitative Analytics
Access the recording here!
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