Accurately forecasting your cash and liquidity positions is more important than ever. Yet, with the economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19, your tried-and-true procedures for cash forecasting may no longer be valid. Case in point - recent survey data from Strategic Treasurer indicates 34% of companies are paying invoices more slowly than pre-COVID-19. How much time are you spending adjusting your forecast models to factor in the impact of a slower flow of receivables?

The fact is, the global economy is still in a state of flux, and no one yet knows when it will end. More frequent forecasts are required, continually adjusted for the current conditions of your company, and using the most up-to-date company data available. The good news is that the right technology can simplify cash forecasting, increase forecasting accuracy and improve your business.

Fill out the form to access the recording to learn how technology can:

  • Automatically gather and aggregate forecasting data, saving time and increasing accuracy.
  • Generate versions and variances to improve your confidence in your forecast.
  • Use machine learning and AI to draw insights from the raw data.


Roger 2 HS.jpg
Roger Comins
Director, Product Management

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Jo Stevens
Senior Product Manager