With GTreasury, you can work faster and smarter.
Real-Time Cash and Liquidity Management
GTreasury delivers real-time cash flow and liquidity management through its secure, centralized solution for end-to-end cash visibility. With its highly configurable worksheets underpinning its cash positioning, cash forecasting, reconciliation and in-house banking, you can dynamically manage your liquidity requirements, as well as minimize the cost and time associated with moving cash internally.
Financial Instruments
With GTreasury, you can oversee your financial instruments from initiation through maturity, all in one seamless, centralized workflow. Better yet, you can act on the downstream events for resets, confirmations, exercise/expiry, renewals, limits, cash positions, payments, valuations, credit exposure, forecasts and accounting. A wide variety of debt/investment, interest rate derivative, foreign exchange, inflation and intercompany loan instruments can be managed in the GTreasury platform.
Risk Management
Whether you are reporting on your debt profile or performing deeper analysis to assess your cash flow at risk, GTreasury gives you the advanced tools and visualization you need to view the daily indicators of your financial metrics against your company’s risk policy and to act on that information. Advanced tools let you visualize risk in real time, model your exposures and simulate market duress to easily understand your position against any number of scenarios.
Operational Support
GTreasury’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform allows you to get down to business faster and more economically than ever before. You’ll always have the most up-to-date features and functionality, while the open API configuration and extensive API library make connecting to banks, third parties and back office systems simple and seamless. At the same time a variety of security and multi-factor authentication options provide extra layers of protection without sacrificing functionality or performance. You’ll have faster, more accurate information at your fingertips to make the best decisions for your business.